[01:30] Servology’s primary transit provider is due to perform hardware maintenance to their router to which Servology connects, between 03:00 and 05:00 today. I am therefore about to adjust settings on our BGP router to move the majority of both inbound and outbound traffic away from our primary transit provider to our secondary transit provider for the duration of the maintenance, which should help to minimise disruption if the router undergoing maintenance is not shut down cleanly.
[11:00] The upstream maintenance appears not to have gone ahead. My router did not see any disconnection or other interruption to service. The transit provider declared a major incident due to a hardware failure related to a maintenance window earlier in the night, so I can only guess they have postponed the maintenance that would have affected Servology’s connection to them. I have reverted last night’s routing changes to restore traffic to its usual paths, and will keep an eye out for future maintenance by the transit provider.