[Resolved] Network outage

16:28: While working on configuring a new router it appears I have accidentally caused a network outage on the Servology network. I’m working to determine the extent of the problem and recover operation.

16:38: It appears the Servology network is entirely offline as of 16:23 today. There does not appear to be any working method to remotely access network devices to restore service. It looks like I am going to have to go to the datacentre to manually disconnect the faulty device. I’ll post an ETA here when I have it.

17:00: ETA at datacentre 18.30

18:40: arrived, gaining access to datacentre.

18:50 I’ve unplugged the problematic machine and monitoring statuses are going green. I believe the problem has been resolved.

20:00 I believe this problem is now fully resolved.